How to Send Automated Delivery Status Notifications to Customers?

keyKey Takeaways:

  • Businesses can better educate their clients about the status of their orders by using automated delivery status alerts.
  • The most common methods for providing automated delivery status updates include email, SMS, and push notifications.
  • Customer care calls can be decreased and satisfaction can be raised by giving customers access to tracking data and anticipated delivery dates.
  • The customer’s name and order information can be added to notifications to make them more personalised.

Customers have a positive perception of brands that prioritize delivery notifications. 

Such notifications are appreciated because customers want to stay updated with their order status. It gives assurance that their orders will reach them by the estimated time of arrival (ETA). 

And to enable automated delivery notifications for your business customers, you will need a delivery management software. It will automatically send updates of the entire delivery process to the customers in different phases.

Order status notifications promote utmost customer satisfaction, for which all logistics businesses should leverage their potential.

What Do You Mean by Delivery Notifications?

Delivery notifications or shipment notifications are the same thing. They are a type of message alerts that tell your business customers where their ordered or couriered package is during the delivery process. 

Such delivery alerts are sent to the customers through email notifications, text messages, and mobile application alerts. The delivery notifications should start for customers when they place an order. The order acceptance notification will be followed by the dispatch notification. 

Even if there is a failed delivery attempt, the update for it and re-attempt details will be sent to the customer to maintain business transparency and customer loyalty. 

Why Are Notifications Crucial for Your Delivery Business?

Delivery services, especially in the e-commerce sector, use automated notification features. With the customers informed about their order delivery, customer satisfaction will improve.

Satisfied customers will eventually place more orders, leading to more deliveries and hence more profit. Here are some proven ways how real-time notifications are crucial for a delivery business:

1. Gain more customers

With exceptional delivery tracking services, you will be creating a good reputation among your existing customers. Around 70% of the consumers have stated that being able to track their order delivery is one of the three major considerations to buying a product online

So, if your delivery business is tied to an e-commerce business, you will eventually get more orders to deliver in the long run. And if you are an e-commerce store with an in-house delivery service, it is a win-win approach for enabling customer notifications.

2. Lower rate of returns

With the customers updated about their order delivery, the chances of returning the product after it is shipped will be lower than usual, especially for the new customers. 

Real-time updates on order deliveries for customers will give them a chance to understand any possible cause of delay. 

While some might still return or cancel the product, many customers who understand delivery businesses will wait for genuine reasons. Eventually, the rate of returns will be lower.

3. Processing time of shipments

When you are aware that customers track their deliveries, you will intend to be quick on getting them delivered. It will help you retain clients.

Get in touch with the shipping carrier and minimize delays in processing or dispatching orders. In case of unavoidable circumstances, you must use the automated notifications feature to update the same to your customer.

Steps to Send Automated Delivery Notifications

Whether you are new to a delivery business or are running an established logistics company, it is time to upgrade the ways of attaining customer satisfaction

Enabling customers’ potential to track their order status through automated delivery notifications is one of the best ways to build a reputation for your delivery business. 

Here are the steps for you to start sending automated delivery notifications:

1. Select communication channels

You must first select the communication channels to decide the mode of sending notifications to the customers. 

You can enable options such as text messaging, email, call lists, or all of the three modes to ensure a better customer experience.

2. Choose types of notifications

You can send four different types of notifications to your customers concerning their order processing, tracking, and delivery aspects. 

These are local, scheduled, periodic, and push notifications.

3. Decide the number of messages

You must decide on the number of messages you intend to send your customers. Remember that you do not have to over-send the same messages through a single communication channel. 

  • You can send 3 to 5 push notifications in a day. 
  • Send text message updates for order confirmation, dispatch, ETA, and out-for-delivery updates. 
  • Scheduled and periodic notifications can be scheduled for notifications to customers after the delivery. Such messages can focus on telling the customer about their order’s return window and requesting feedback.

4. Customize notifications

You can also customize the notification to personalize them for the customers. It will add to the overall customer experience. 

Add your customer’s name to the message and use creative notification terms or phrases apart from the automated ones. For instance, “Hey Lex, we are in your city and will deliver your package in the next 2 hours. Please be available.”

5. Automate the process using a delivery route planner

Use a delivery route planner software to automate notifying customers throughout the delivery process. 

With management software, the notification detail can automatically be updated for every customer when they place an order.

Send Timely Notifications Using Upper

Upper Route Planner provides an automated  delivery notification feature for alerting your customers and sending them real-time updates of their order status. 

When you plan your shipment delivery routes with us, make sure to automate the notification system. Notifications will be sent to clients with every route update added to the portal by the drivers or the management representatives. 

Get our to explore advanced features and the entire route planning process. With our proactive route planning features, you will realize how easy it is for you to carry out the logistics business.

Automize your Delivery Notifications

With Upper route planner, not only can you create effortless routes, you can keep your customers posted at all times easily.


Delivery notification is sent to the customer for every update on their order, from order confirmation to delivery. For instance, once an order is placed and dispatched , a notification will be sent to the customer informing the same with an ETA.

The customers will receive notifications on the following instances:

  • Number of items ordered
  • Delivery address
  • Estimated time of arrival
  • Shipping carrier details
  • Order confirmation
  • Failed delivery attempt
  • Delivery re-attempt
  • Return request placed
  • Return processed
  • Pickup scheduled
  • Refund processed

Upper Route Planner is one of the most sophisticated applications that help you optimize your deliveries through the shortest route possible. Along with route planning, this application also offers a service facility for automating client delivery alerts.
By setting up the automated delivery alerts, you no longer have to worry about sending alerts to your customers.

Enable Automated Delivery Notification On Upper

Automation of sending notifications to customers to update them on the whereabouts of their package is a must for delivery businesses to speed up the process. Manual intervention consumes a lot of business time, and causes delays in dispatching and fulfilling the order. 

Sending alerts to customers will eventually create more opportunities for your small business. And customers will tend to trust your brand as you have embedded features to keep them in loop of what is going on with their package. 

Upper Route Planner is the ideal tool to execute this service of conveying order status to your customers. You can also send customized notifications to your clients too after the order is delivered. 

Hence, this is a good inclusion to the entire logistics service process. Make sure you try out the features of Upper Route Planner and give customers a perfect automated home delivery experience.

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.