Fleet Mobility Manager: Know Job Role of Fleet Manager & Mobility Manager

With the ever-increasing complaints from climate activists, companies are looking to reduce their carbon footprint in every manner possible. This is where a fleet mobility manager comes in to save the day.

To understand how mobility management can benefit companies and how they can be the future of transportation, we must understand what it is. Mobility management is far from a new concept as its roots have predated modern technology. 

Though with the advent of modern technology mobility management has only gotten better. It is easier to manage on a larger scale than in the past and has also become more accessible than ever.

What is Mobility Management?

The term mobility management is fairly new, though the concept is not. Mobility management primarily discusses the centralization of vehicle fleets to reduce carbon emissions and offer companies transportation at significantly lower costs.

They pool vehicles to allow for car sharing and on-demand services. Basically, mobility management is all about achieving the highest level of operational efficiency. However, it does come with its own set of drawbacks. 

What mobility management companies aim to do is to give their clients a greater transportation system without having to own any fleet vehicles. Maybe in the future, we will see more fleet managers transition into the role of mobility managers. 

The biggest drawback of such transportation services is the fact that it still is very much expensive and hinders current operations. Thus the total cost of mobility is usually higher than vehicle ownership. 

Why You Should Become a Fleet Mobility Manager?

The entire logistics industry is always looking for the most cost-effective mode of transport. This is why external transportation providers are gaining traction in the market as companies see their potential.

With such heavy investment into the field, many fleet management personnel are looking to switch to mobility management. While switching fields might seem like a daunting task many fleet managers are choosing to do so for the following reasons.

Greater pay

Greater pay

On average mobility, managers are paid more than fleet managers as the job of a mobility manager is inherently more involved. This is also a big reason for migrating to the new field of mobility management for fleet managers. 

Job security

Many fleet managers consider mobility management to be the future of transportation. While they might be correct in some ways, there is no accurate way to predict the future. This is because the technology behind fleet management software is still in its infancy. 

Though despite being in the early stages of development, companies seem to be quite confident in the technology. This is mostly attributed to the advancements in self-driving vehicles and fleet management software.

Traditional Fleet Manager vs Mobility Manager

Traditional Fleet Manager vs Mobility Manager

Comparing fleet management to mobility is quite the recent trend in companies that rely on fleet management. Companies are beginning to realize that their current transportation systems contribute greatly to overall costs. Though it is unclear if the newer methods are superior.  

While a fleet manager says that it is imperative to own your fleet, a mobility manager believes that there is no need to invest in ownership when mobility solutions are available. This is why we must look at either side to know which option is the best for your company.

Fleet manager’s job 

A fleet manager will have a much easier time managing a fleet for a single company instead of doing it for multiple companies. This is also why it is easier to find skilled employees for fleet management over mobility management.

Fleet management has been the norm for so long because of a reason. That reason is assurance. When you have your own fleet you know exactly what you can do with it and what exactly you need to do to meet your goals.

Ownership of personal vehicles can also boost fleet managers’ performance as it leaves little room for error. It also allows fleet managers to effectively manage vehicle usage. This is why fleet management often provides better bottom-line performance. 

Mobility manager’s job

A Mobility manager allows businesses to harness the power of a fleet without actually going through the massive cost of ownership. This cost will only go lower as autonomous electric vehicles start becoming a mainstream mode of public transportation. 

Fleet mobility management will also take care of all the maintenance worries faced by company vehicles. Mobility management also allows the same vehicles to be used to fulfill the business needs of multiple companies.

It also allows for a chance to have a carbon-neutral society in the near future as even vehicles with a combustion engine are made extra efficient. Public transport has been hard to combat though these new mobility solutions might just make the difference. 

Speaking of making a difference it sure would be nice to use software that makes delivery routes optimized enough to save over 40% of fuel usage. Luckily there is indeed a solution for combating delivery route planning problems. 

How Upper Makes Delivery Mobility an Efficient Process?

It doesn’t matter if you are a fleet manager or a mobility manager, you can always be on top of your work with Upper. Thanks to Upper’s ability that lets you plan the most optimized routes known to mankind within minutes.

Upper lets you account for every aspect such as service time and vehicle type to give you highly accurate ETAs. You can further gain your customer’s trust with additional features such as proof of delivery and delivery notifications.

Upper is a must-have software for any delivery company, as it allows companies to cut down on total costs and save time at once. Such brilliance is essential to have on your side in today’s highly competitive environment.

Manage Your Fleet Drivers Using Upper

It only takes few clicks to find optimized routes for your fleet drivers on Upper. Let your drivers edge-past on-road obstacles following the best routes.


Below are some traits of a good mobility manager:

  • Responsible with time
  • Great multitasking ability
  • Professional accountability
  • Great analytical ability
  • Great communication skills

Much like any other high-paying job, fleet management requires you to be a top-notch professional in the fleet industry. Daily operations are often stressful and time-consuming due to the inherent nature of the industry.

While most would be happy with the amount of money fleet management companies provide employees, it is by no means an easy job.

The delivery industry has a unique set of problems that are left to fleet managers. These issues can be anything from technical difficulties to ensuring compliance. Here are the top 7 challenges faced by fleet managers:

  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Adhering to Corporate rules and regulations
  • Dispatching
  • Task assignment
  • Employee management
  • Talent acquisition
  • Route planning


With so many transportation options, it becomes crucial for businesses to look out for efficiency opportunities. Though not all of these mobility options might be good to lower the cost of operations as they lack cost transparency. 

Even before mobility management, people have been resorting to ride-sharing to cut down travel expenses. This proves that the need for individual vehicles is inflated and that the concept of mobility management works reliably. 

Though this alternative mode of transport will show its true cost by severely shortening the life cycle of your vehicles as the rate of failure greatly increases with high usage. All of this makes companies wonder if reducing transportation costs is even possible.

Thankfully software like Upper helps companies drastically cut down on costs and time. Be it field service operations like pickups or multi stop deliveries, Upper makes sure you don’t spend more time planning routes. Interesting right? Let’s give Upper a shot.

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.
