How to Start an E-commerce Delivery Business? Explained 101

keyKey Takeaways:

  • Setting up an online store, deciding on a delivery strategy, and developing contacts with suppliers and shipping companies are necessary when starting an eCommerce delivery service.
  • Providing quick and dependable shipping options, clear tracking information, and delivery alerts can increase customer retention and satisfaction.
  • Using a marketing approach that incorporates email marketing, social media advertising, and content marketing can attract more clients and boost sales.
  • Building a loyal customer base can be accomplished by offering amazing customer service, which includes timely communication, problem-solving and return and refund policies.

Remember the days we used to rush to restaurants for food? Nowadays, restaurants are rushing to our door to deliver food. According to a source, the worldwide e-commerce industry’s sales are predicted to exceed $5.5 trillion by 2022.

So, not only businesses with well-furnished infrastructure and multiple outlets but also businesses with no outlets are likely to earn desired profits. 

Now that everything is delivered fast and effectively, an intelligent business person will not leave this opportunity to step-up an e-commerce delivery business. 

Don’t know much about how to start e-commerce delivery business

Keep reading to learn more.

What Is an E-commerce Delivery System?

What Is an E-commerce Delivery System?

Buying and selling goods online over a network, primarily the internet, is known as e-commerce. The delivery system involves supplying services from the provider to the customer.

Hence, an e-commerce delivery system refers to a business framework that involves delivering ordered goods to the customer’s doorsteps maintaining both rates for shipping costs and an outstanding customer experience.

The delivery system stands out to be an essential part of the whole e-commerce shipping method.

Why Is E-commerce Delivery a Vital Aspect?

E-commerce is the sector that has brought about drastic changes because of current trends in the industry. Therefore, more businesses are using the ecommerce delivery statistics and trends in recent years. 

It is expected that the number of users in the e-commerce market will amount to 4,877.0m users by 2025. The abstract provided is a considerable number and an idea that the e-commerce delivery business will be in its full bloom in the coming few years.

Fast and safe delivery is an essential aspect of the e-commerce business, as people can buy goods from any part of the world and get them delivered to their doorstep on time with no compromise on safety and security. 

Hence, having efficient e-commerce delivery services is vital to every online business and can impact its potential customers up to a greater extent.

How to Start E-commerce Delivery Business?

How to Start E-commerce Delivery Business?

Starting an e-commerce delivery business may not be that easy, but delivering could be made easier. Let’s go through a step-by-step guide on how to start an eCommerce delivery business following the current statistics and trends.

The most basic yet crucial step of setting up an e-commerce store is a business plan that can help you in:

1. Clarifying your strategy

It is essential to have an ecommerce shipping strategy to execute a business plan.

Make sure to include your business idea and sustainable strategies to avoid failure right in the first phase of establishment.

2. Routing a road map

Having a clear vision about what you want to achieve with this business setup can help you create a focused road map on achieving the goal, centralizing the use of strategies planned earlier.

3. Identifying your potential setbacks

Understand that setbacks are necessary. No business is successful without ever having failed in one way. Knowing this fact, one can identify the planned ecommerce business’s possible setbacks. The identification will not only help in creating a pre-planned backup but also keep the business structure firm.

4. Evaluating the viability of your plan

It is more important to acknowledge your success rate than your failure. Hence, evaluating your business plan’s viability is a must.

5. Locating sources’ backup

Starting a business without having a backup for your resources can be tricky.  

Enlist all the possible sources you can use as a backup in an emergency.

Trying harder is better than simply giving up.

Step 1: Understanding Potential Customers

Understanding Potential Customers

If you are an e-commerce flower delivering business, targeting an audience interested in mechanical objects will yield no purpose.

Know your target audience to make your online store successful.

Make intelligent moves by enlisting the target audience after answering a few questions:

  • What am I selling?
  • How many people are engaged in such products?
  • How can I contact the target audience?
  • What are all the customer’s expectations regarding products and the shipping process?
  • Is my product fulfilling the demands without causing me loss?

Ensuring that your product ideas are unique and can withstand the competition will drive you toward innovation.

In addition to doing market research all by yourself, you can always conduct online surveys, engage your customers, get a clear picture, and better understand.

Step 2: Understanding Delivery Methods

Understanding Delivery Methods

Delivery service is done in diverse ways depending on a few factors:

  • Location of delivery
  • Package weight and type
  • The time limit for delivery of package
  • Availability of transportation and workforce

In e-commerce, the delivery system needs to be executed with the most straightforward yet impactful approach.

To make efficient delivery, one needs to understand a few facts

A- Choosing a shipping strategy

B- Setting clear goals

C- Assembling the right team 

Choosing a shipping strategy

Effective e-commerce shipping is the most impactful step to growing one’s online store. Market giants use additional shipping options to differentiate themselves from their competitors and increase profit margins.

  • Important e-commerce shipping considerations
  • Product weight and size
  • Shipping destination
  • Shipping carriers

Shipping strategies

  1. Free shipping
  2. Table rate and flat rate shipping
  3. Live rates from a carrier
  4. Mixed and alternative strategies

Although free shipping sounds the most appealing strategy, free shipping is easy to explain to customers, and it responds to the customer’s expectations. 

But remember, such convenient shipping is free for your customers, not you!

Delivery strategies

  • Choose the most efficient delivery method.
  • Check on the workforce availability. 
  • Keep track of delivery drivers.
  • Use route planner app on mobile devices

Step 3: Choose the Market/Niche

Now that you have a business plan and strategies ready, you can choose the niche. This decision will highly affect your future operations. 

Keep an eye on your competitors and strategies and mend yours accordingly.

Figuring out the workflow of your online store can be helpful in this. 

Consider the market that sits best with a high-profit margin according to your sources and the workload you and your business can take. 

Some pointers to help you sort your decision :

  • Follow your passion that can turn investments into profit by consistency.
  • Always look at high-dollar options; competition will keep you motivated if taken positively.
  • You can use Google Analytics and conduct keyword research to find top-ranked options.
  • Put your resources and assets to work for your business.

Remember that consistency and determination will turn your start-up ideas into success stories.

Step 4: Online Store Setup

With all strategies prepared and business plans created after considering both success rate and drawbacks, you are now good to start with the online store setup service.

Setting up the online store demands your wit. This step is where you establish your brand name and show your market presence. 

It all starts here, from your promotions to your identity in customers’ minds.

Setting up an online store:

  • Choose a unique theme: The e-commerce market is all about presentation, so you should use modern templates. As a brand, you need to establish a unique identity in the market to attract a potential customer base to your own business.

So make sure your e-commerce business model is as appealing as your delivery services. 

A simple yet effective business theme for the online store can impact the customer’s psychology. 

Specific color schemes, appropriate information, and classic images can create a loyalty effect that makes customers trust the store. 

  • Choose a brand name: Choosing a unique yet easy brand name is a marketing strategy that can establish a unique identity for your e-commerce business. 

You can refer to keywords and ideas to choose a name that suits best for your business structure and defines your e-commerce store the best. 

Make sure that the name is easy to pronounce and relatable to your target market without losing uniqueness.  

Your brand name is something that you cannot change every day. So be sure about whatever you come up with.

  • Connect with your fulfillment partner: The success of your business is determined by how well you get paid for it. 

So make sure you secure your payment gateway. 

Offering your customers a flexible payment processing method to choose from can be counted as an advantage.

You can accept payments in the following formats:

  • Credit/debit cards
  • Digital wallets 
  • Bank transfers
  • In-person payments

After choosing a gateway, you can select your payment provider.

A provider should process every transaction for your business, like payments you receive from customers.

Remember to be able to accept money through the e-commerce business websites; you will have to get verified by your provider.

  • Get yourself registered: You need to get your brand name and authority registered to be authentic. Buy your e-commerce delivery services a domain name, and as soon as it is registered, you will be owing to the authority. Choose a  domain name similar to your brand name to make it search-friendly.
  • Work on your marketing tactic: Marketing is the critical tool that turns any small business into a profitable business. Marketing works like a magnet to attract the target market too small businesses, which are sure to turn into giants if they provide what they promise.
  • Plan your marketing campaigns: Do a little search about where your target audience stays the most. It should be done while setting up an ecommerce platform. 

Try out new ways to get customer feedback; try email marketing and running ads on all-inclusive platform to ensure that your e-commerce delivery business catches the eye.

How Upper Route Planner can Help Scale Your E-commerce Delivery Business?

Upper Route Planner is one such route planning and optimizing software. No one wants to plan routes for hours and still end up spending more time on the road!

Upper Route Planner is one such software that helps you plan efficient routes with multiple locations in just a matter of seconds. 

This route planner is ideal for courier business, meal kit delivery, bottled water delivery services, flower delivery, building materials delivery and other small businesses that require delivery drivers to cover multiple destinations in a single day. 

The all-in-one software is designed to eliminate the chaos of manual route planning and help you scale your business more profitably with optimized routes and turn-by-turn driving directions. To know how this software is helpful for your business, you can start your FREE Trial and explore a number of features.

Make On-time Ecommerce Deliveries using Upper

Take the hassles out of route planning by switching to the Upper’s complete automated delivery process. Get optimized routes for your ecommerce deliveries within seconds.


To start an e-commerce delivery system:

  • Do market research
  • Select a niche for your e-commerce
  • Select theme and branding
  • Get the name registered
  • Find fulfillment warehouses
  • Figure out the delivery logistics
  • Promote

The e-commerce industry can be highly competitive, but the right strategies and consistency in updating tools can boost additional profit for the owner.

Every purchase made online is tied to a specific order tracking ID. It’s further used by the e-commerce delivery logistics management to detect the location and deliver the items safely and on time.

The four types of e-commerce business are:

  • Business to Consumer
  • Business to Business
  • Consumer Business
  • Consumer to Consumer

You can sell your products online by setting up an e-com store. Choose your target market and get your brand name registered. List your shipping products on the website and start selling.

Delivery is an essential aspect of a successful business. It is important to make on-time efficient delivery to earn profits. One can plan strategies to minimize business costs or leave the work on route planning software.


Since there is a stable growth in the ecommerce delivery industry, it is the right time to start with a new ecommerce delivery business. Stepping into the ecommerce industry, as an ecommerce business owner could be a difficult business planning phase at the initial level. But it may no longer exist if you consider the above mentioned basic steps to launch your new business. 

Once you get your delivery business off the mark, you can consider online tools and ecommerce software to manage deliveries. In case your additional staff members are planning routes manually, you can use Upper to find the shortest routes. The route planner can help you plan routes for multi-stop deliveries, auto-assign tasks and capture delivery proof as well. Book a demo with us to know more about how it works. 

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.