Single Depot Multiple Driver Route Planning: Meaning, Challenges & Solutions

Want to skip the daily hassles of multi-stop route planning from a single depot? Let us help you plan delivery routes with unlimited stops using advanced automated software.

Either you can rely on multiple mapping platforms, where you need to analyze countless road constraints or ace your route mapping job with the best route optimization software.

Here, we will cover the challenges along with solutions for single depot multiple driver route planning.

What is a Single Depot Multiple Driver Route Planning?

Single depot multiple driver route planning is a process of planning the most efficient routes for multiple drivers who are all based at the same depot. This type of route planning is typically used by businesses with a large fleet of vehicles and a large number of delivery stops.

Since there are different vehicles dividing the routes from the same source, it is referred to as a single depot multi-driver route. Businesses associated with delivery services usually have trouble planning such routes.

Therefore, getting the right route optimization software would help them tackle delivery operations issues. Moving forward, let us throw more light on what difficulties they come across while planning routes for multiple stops.

Recurring Challenges While Planning for Multi-stop

1. Manually assigns delivery tasks

Business owners having no such advanced routing software spend more time assigning tasks to the employees. Consequently, there would be delays in dispatching orders, which might give rise to late deliveries.

2. No real-time traffic updates

During the delivery process, fleet drivers are likely to get stuck in long traffic queues as they won’t have an idea about ongoing activities on road. In most cases, drivers fail to get on the shortest routes and waste more time in reaching the customer’s location.

3. Lack of communication with drivers

Lack of communication with drivers

One of the major troubles for owners or admin is delivering important messages or instructions to the drivers. If there is no way to connect drivers and customers, there are chances of unsuccessful deliveries or may have a direct confrontation with the buyers.

4. Unable to reoptimize routes

Many businesses would not have the option to reoptimize the route once the parcel is dispatched. For instance, if there are cancelation orders, you need to reoptimize the entire route. If you are unable to do so, the delivery driver will keep following the initial path, which could result in higher operational costs.

5. No on-road assistance for delivery drivers

Another challenge is not offering support to the drivers out for deliveries. Many drivers fail to make on-time deliveries because they do not know whether the parcel is ready for dispatch or not. Also, there would be no information on how many deliveries are assigned to them in specific time windows.

6. Requires more planning time

Requires more planning time

Obviously, since the business owners are following the manual technique to plan routes, it would take hours in finding the optimal route for your drivers. The case would be even worse if you are managing numerous deliveries from a single warehouse. 

These are the major obstacles for the owners while planning routes for multiple drivers. Some of you might say Google Maps solves your queries, but it’s a partial truth as the popular mapping platform comes with limitations. On that note, why not discover missing features on Google Maps in the next section.

Why Google Maps is Not Suitable for Route Planning?

Planning a route via Google Maps is almost similar to adapting the manual route generation method. Here is why Google Maps is not suitable in terms of planning routes.

  • One of the drawbacks of the most used mapping platform is it only allows you to add delivery stops up to 10. 
  • It is not equipped with an advanced algorithm to smartly plan delivery routes considering the several delivery aspects.
  • Using the GMaps, business owners spend more than usual in connecting with dispatchers, drivers, and customers. 
  • Ultimately, there are chances of creating communication gaps, which might hamper the delivery process. 
  • The Google-based mapping platform only helps you simply plan the routes. Neither a driver is directed to the optimized path, nor customers are allowed to send delivery instructions. Eventually, leaving the matter up to the business owners.

Are you facing a similar problem while managing the delivery routes? Then, you should start looking for other options. In the next section, check out what is the best way to efficiently create routes.

How Upper Route Planner Helps You Set Up Optimized Routes

From managing the route plan to safely delivering the parcel to the customer’s doorstep,  Upper has got your back covered. Loaded with advanced features, Upper Route Planner assists the admin to plan, manage, and reoptimize the routes. 

The routing system will allow you to add unlimited stops and multiple route plans. Thereafter, it will automatically assign tasks to drivers. Thus, business owners don’t need to give extra effort into calling employees individually. 

Besides, the feature-rich online route generator also has a dedicated App for drivers. It helps the driver to learn about their delivery schedule, assist them on road, and get you delivery proof.

Upper’s Core Features for Mapping Routes From a Single Depot

Below, take a closer look at the main features of the Upper route planner.

  • Route Planning: It quickly creates a route plan including the live traffic and other constraints.
  • Route Scheduling: The automated software lets the admin plan their deliveries in advance.
  • Route Reoptimization: The admin can reoptimize the routes in case they have a last-minute change.
  • Live Tracker: Customers are allowed to get the exact location of the delivery person.
  • Customize Delivery Notification: This admin side feature helps you rewrite delivery notifications. 
  • Delivery Instruction: It helps customers add delivery notes and passes them to the drivers.
  • Driver preference: The user can avoid highways or toll booths while planning a route.
  • Adjust pickup/delivery: During the optimization process, you can set the pickups in-between, before, or after the deliveries.
  • Proof of Delivery: At the end of the delivery, drivers can capture the e-signature or the images as delivery proof.
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Upper Route Planner

A Simple-to-use route planner that every one is talking about.

  • Save up to 95% of planning time
  • Save up to 40% of time on the road
  • Plan 500 stops at once


Yes, GMaps will help you plan delivery routes but only with limited features on its platform. Business owners would spend hours or more assigning routes to the multiple fleet drivers. Following Google maps, your drivers are likely to get stranded in-between the delivery process. Therefore, we recommend you use the right routing software.

The online route optimization software gets you the entire route plan considering the avoidance zones in less than a minute. Routing software will keep the driver updated as soon as the parcel is ready to dispatch.

The online route generator will allow you to list out the different routes consisting of single or multi-drivers. You can add multiple drivers and assign them the route consisting of the same starting and ending point. Then, the system will automatically inform all drivers at the time of delivery.

Try Creating Routes on Automated Route Planner

Pleased with the online routing software? Why not try using the Upper Route Planner. Once get on the Upper, we are glad to serve you with a user-friendly platform where you can just drop the spreadsheet and have your route plan ready within a few seconds. 

Drivers, too, will get the delivery updates on a dedicated driver’s app. While drivers are on their way, you can keep a tab on the delivery process and analyze the reports. If the delivery is successful, you will be notified and then the driver can proceed to the next delivery stop.

As of now, we recommend you book a demo with us to discover features that are beneficial for your business.

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.