What is Proof of Delivery & Why it is Important for Your Business?

What is Proof of Delivery (POD)?

Proof of delivery (POD) is a crucial document in the delivery business that serves as an evidence that the delivery has been successfully completed by the delivery driver and received by the intended recipient.

In today’s world, as the trend of e-commerce is increasing, there is an increase in the need to deploy a system that ensures the delivery is completed successfully and the customer has received it too. Such a need can only be fulfilled by adopting a proof of delivery system in your delivery operations.

While carrying out delivery jobs, many delivery drivers face false allegations of stealing the products. On the other hand, there are also some cases where delivery drivers stole the products and customers faced difficulties proving it. This is where proof of delivery holds its importance.

In this blog post, we will go deep into the topic “proof of delivery” and look at its importance in the business, its benefits, and how to record them. So, let’s get started!

The document of POD may include various information including name of the delivery driver, name of the recipient, recipient’s signature, and date & time of delivery. Below-given section will give you an insight of all the information required to generate a proof of delivery.

What are the Key Components of a Proof of Delivery?

To generate an insightful POD, you should include the following delivery details:

  • Carrier name and logo: The name and logo of the carrier company who is handling the delivery responsibility.
  • Name of the recipient: The name of the person who is receiving the delivery.
  • Address of the recipient: Detailed address of the delivery location.
  • Details about the customer’s order: The details of the customer’s order, including the items and quantity ordered.
  • Transaction mode description: The mode of payment used for the order.
  • Delivery date & time: The date and time when the delivery was made.
  • Shipping details: The details about the shipping method used to deliver the order.
  • Product specifications: The specifications of the product being delivered, including size, weight, and any special requirements.
  • Tracking number: The unique tracking number assigned to the shipment.
  • Barcode or QR code: The code used for scanning the shipment and obtaining its details.
  • Item quantity & weight: The quantity and weight of the items being delivered.
  • Recipient’s signature: The signature of the person who received the shipment as proof of delivery.
Proof of delivery template

Source: USPS

What are the Different Types of Proof of Delivery?

Now that we know what proof of delivery is and its components, let’s look at the types of proof of delivery that you can use for your business. Basically, there are 3 types of proof of delivery. Let’s examine each to figure out which one suits the best for your business.

1. Paper-based proof of delivery

Paper-based proof of delivery

Paper-based proof of delivery entails physically signing a document to confirm receipt of a package. Many companies continue to use this time-tested practice, especially those in fields where laws or regulations require the use of physical signatures. For businesses that handle large volumes of deliveries, paper-based proof of delivery can be time-consuming and expensive to process and store.

2. Electronic proof of delivery

Electronic proof of delivery

Source: Scandit

As the name suggests, electronic proof of delivery systems store proofs using digital technologies like QR code or barcode and a scanner. The package has an attached QR code or barcode which is then scanned by the delivery driver using a QR code scanner or barcode scanner at the time of delivery.

Electronic proof of delivery is more convenient and efficient compared to paper-based methods. It is eco-friendly as the use of paper is eradicated. Electronic proof of delivery is cost effective too as it helps businesses cut administrative costs. Because it can be accessed anytime and from anywhere, it offers greater accuracy and dependability.

3. Photo & E-signature-based proof of delivery

Electronic proof of delivery

Collecting photos and e-signature using a mobile device or electronic pod is the most advanced way of providing proof of delivery. This method involves capturing & uploading the photograph of the delivered item and getting the electronic signature of the recipient as a form of digital acknowledgment.

This form of proof of delivery is useful in cases of dispute or damage. Photo and e-signature technologies are a versatile and reliable option for proof of delivery and are becoming increasingly popular among businesses and customers alike.

Why is Proof of Delivery (POD) Crucial for Your Business?

Proof of delivery works as an important tool for businesses that provide delivery services or field services. Having a clear record of proof of deliveries can help businesses stand against false allegations and save itself from costly chargebacks. Here are some of the key reasons proof of delivery is important for businesses:

  • Protection against disputes: In some cases, despite receiving the parcel, customers put up false allegations against delivery drivers or delivery companies and claim they haven’t received it. Sometimes they also proclaim that the delivery driver or delivery company has stolen their goods and ask for the damage money. In such cases, proof of delivery works as a savior. With POD, businesses can present a clear and indisputable record of the delivery, which can help businesses resolve such issues. This way, they can save their money as well as their reputation.
  • Streamlined operations: By providing a reliable system for tracking and managing deliveries, proof of delivery can help businesses streamline their daily operations easily. With a clear record of all the deliveries, businesses can easily track orders and manage their inventories.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Using proof of delivery, you can improve customer satisfaction by having a clear record of proof of delivery that demonstrates your commitment to provide reliable and transparent delivery service. If all the proof of deliveries are recorded and documented properly, you can differentiate your business from its competitors and build trust and loyalty with customers.

Save Yourself from Unwanted Disputes!

Get your business Upper Route Planner to carry out seamless proof of delivery generation and maintain a healthy long-term relationship with your customers.

Why is Proof of Delivery (POD) Crucial for Your Customers?

Proof of delivery holds importance not only for business owners, but also for customers. It provides a clear record of the deliveries made and ensures the customers receive the products or services they ordered. Here are some of the key reasons why proof of delivery is important for customers:

  • Protection against fraud: Proof of delivery can save customers from being a victim of any fraud or other forms of misconduct. By providing a clear record of the delivery, customers can more easily wipe off any fraudulent or incorrect charges and ensure that they are not held responsible for any errors or issues that may arise.
  • Greater convenience: By referring to proof of delivery, your customer can get peace of mind because it maintains transparency between you and your customer. This leads to reduced risk of missed deliveries, delays, or other issues that create inconvenience among customers. In short, such things can boost the customer retention rate for your business.

What are the Benefits of Using a Digital Proof of Delivery System?

Any business can leverage many benefits if they use digital or electronic proof of delivery. Some of the important benefits are:

Faster processing times

Digital POD eliminates the need for manual processing or physical transportation of paper documents. With real-time transmission, digital POD fastens the processing of delivery data. This results in faster delivery times and improved efficiency.

Improved accuracy and reliability

With digital POD systems, the risk of errors associated with paper-based methods decreases such as missing information, illegible handwriting, or lost documents. Also, electronic data is easy to enter, verify, and share, resulting in more accurate and reliable information.

Reduced costs

If using digital POD, you can reduce costs up to a good extent by saving costs associated with printing, storage, and transport of paper-based documents. Using digital POD, data can be stored digitally and can be accessed and shared anytime. This way, your business can have a huge impact in its costing using digital POD.

How to Record a Proof of Delivery Using Upper Route Planner?

Upper Route Planner is an ideal proof of delivery software that collects and stores proof of delivery in cloud-based storage. Using Upper, your team of delivery drivers can easily capture and collect proof of delivery with their mobile phones.

Collecting proof of delivery is so easy with Upper. All you need to do is follow the below-given steps:

Step-1: Head to the delivery destination and complete the delivery by handing over the package to the recipient or leaving the package as per their already-given guidelines.

Step-2: Once you finish the delivery, click on the “Complete” button in the driver app.

Step-3: Next, select the delivery option in a way you have completed the delivery.

Step-4: Then, to take the photos, click on “Upload” to get it from your device or click on “Capture” to capture & upload a new photo.

Step-5: Once done with the photos, click on “Add Signature” to add the e-signature of the recipient.

Step-6: In case you have additional information or delivery notes to pass on to the dispatcher or admin, write it down in the “Notes” section.

Step-7: Lastly, when you finish collecting all the proof of delivery, click on “Log + Continue” to mark the delivery as complete.

Quick tip: To use the proof of delivery feature of Upper Route Planner, you must be a registered user of it. Register and get free access up to 7 days, .


Proof of delivery is a crucial document in the delivery business that serves as an evidence that the delivery has been successfully completed by the delivery driver and received by the intended recipient.

Delivery proof document or a proof of delivery is a crucial document in the delivery business that serves as an evidence that the delivery has been successfully completed by the delivery driver and received by the intended recipient.

The main difference between the two is the time of their generation. BOL is generated when the package is shipped while POD is generated when it has been delivered. Bill of Lading is a contract between a shipper and the carrier that comprises the terms and conditions of the transportation agreement. On the other hand, a proof of delivery is a delivery document that provides evidence that the package has been delivered to the intended recipient.

Industries that carry out delivery processes or field service on a daily basis, need to provide proof of delivery. Some of the main industries are listed below:

  • Courier services
  • E-commerce businesses
  • Food and beverage delivery businesses
  • Logistics and transport
  • Electronic devices installation and service businesses
  • Home service businesses

Paper-based proof of delivery is a traditional way of generating proof of delivery which is messy, time-consuming, and costly. If you have a well-established business completing hundreds of deliveries daily, paper-based proof of delivery could be difficult to store and handle. Additionally, paper-based proof of delivery is subject to damage or deterioration over time.

The shipping company who is handling your package and holds responsibility to deliver it to you, is responsible for providing proof of delivery. They can provide POD in any form such as a physical delivery receipt, electronic confirmation, or other documentation that verifies that the package was successfully delivered to its intended destination.

No, a delivery note cannot be considered as a proof of delivery as it just serves as a record of the items that were delivered. However, a delivery note can be used as a supporting note of proof of delivery, such as a physical delivery receipt or electronic confirmation.

The reason behind delivery drivers taking pictures of shipments is a process called collection of proof of delivery. It is mandatory to collect proof of delivery to store as evidence that the package has been delivered to the intended recipient. Also, another reason is to keep a record of the package’s physical condition while delivering in order to avoid disputes regarding damaged or lost packages.

Electronic proof of delivery is a type of proof of delivery that is used instead of traditional paper-based proof of delivery. Just like physical POD, ePOD is used as a digital record that confirms the delivery of a package. ePOD is captured using smartphones or tablets with software that captures real-time information such as the recipient’s signature, GPS location, and delivery time.

Proof of Delivery serves as proof that the recipient received the package in a good state and can be used to settle any delivery-related issues. By confirming the recipient’s identity, the delivery address, and that the correct goods were delivered, it also helps in preventing fraud. This can safeguard both the buyer and the seller by lowering the risk of false claims or disputes.

If a company lacks the necessary documentation to prove that a shipment has been delivered, it could face legal consequences, including disputes, loss of revenue, and potential customer lawsuits. In addition, failure to follow rules or contractual obligations may incur fines or other consequences. For businesses to avoid legal issues, having accurate and reliable Proof of Delivery documentation is essential.

To implement effective proof of delivery system, businesses should take the following steps:

  • Go paperless and adopt electronic proof of delivery systems
  • Investing in devices such as mobile devices, tablets, and barcode scanners
  • If using paper-based proof of delivery, then ensuring all the relevant information is included
  • Implementing strict delivery protocols and employe training
  • Regularly reviewing and updating the system to ensure its effectiveness

Technology like electronic signatures, GPS tracking, and barcode scanning can be used to speed up and increase the accuracy of the Proof of Delivery process. Additionally, it can assist in automating the procedure and giving clients real-time updates, improving transparency and customer satisfaction.

You must get in touch with the carrier who was in charge of the delivery if you want to request a Proof of Delivery. Give them your tracking number and any additional relevant details, such as the recipient’s name and the date of delivery. A POD can also be requested online using the carrier’s website or mobile application.


Referring to this detailed guide, one thing is clear that proof of delivery is a crucial document in a business’s delivery processes that provides an additional layer of transparency between business and its clientele. By implementing an effective proof of delivery system, businesses can improve their delivery process and deliver outstanding customer experience.

Proof of delivery could be a savior when it comes to legal disputes with customers. Furthermore, with the rise of e-commerce, there is a rise in demand for efficient and accurate POD solutions. In that case Upper Route Planner holds its significance. It is an electronic proof of delivery software that enables your delivery drivers to capture photographs and collect e-signature as a form of proof of delivery.

If you haven’t tried this robust proof of delivery software, take a 7-day FREE TRIAL and get your hands on it now.

Author Bio
Rakesh Patel
Rakesh Patel

Rakesh Patel, author of two defining books on reverse geotagging, is a trusted authority in routing and logistics. His innovative solutions at Upper Route Planner have simplified logistics for businesses across the board. A thought leader in the field, Rakesh's insights are shaping the future of modern-day logistics, making him your go-to expert for all things route optimization. Read more.
